Sunday, June 29, 2008


Finished reading the book "God Is Not Great" by Christopher Hitchens.  It's well written and direct, although at some points he sounds a bit pugnacious and condescending.  Because of his harsh tone, I rather doubt that it will impress many theists and inspire them to question their beliefs.  I think he's preaching to the choir (yes, a rather odd phrase to use here).  But overall, it's  worth reading.

I also read the book "The Devil in Dover" by Lauri Lebo a few weeks ago.  It's about the Dover, PA evolution vs "Intelligent Design" (ID) (a.k.a. creationism) court case which transpired in 2005 and resulted in ID being appropriately labeled a "breathtaking inanity."  This is a very good book and I recommend it to anyone with an interest in the battle of science vs superstition in our public schools.

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