In only eight years, Bush has turned the biggest budget surplus in history to the biggest deficit in history; he's transformed us from the most respected nation in the world to the most despised nation in the world; he's embroiled us in an unnecessary and disastrous war in Iraq; he's bungled the probably necessary war in Afghanistan; in the name of national security, he's trampled on the basic human rights and the very values that used to define what the United States stands for; he's stuck his head in the sand with regard to global warming, which might well turn out to be the biggest crisis to ever face humanity; he's knocked holes in our precious wall of separation between church & state; he's made decisions about climate and medicine based on religious dogma, not on science; and he was asleep at the wheel while the financial industry recklessly binged on price-inflated financial securities to bring about the biggest financial crisis since the Great Depression. The list goes on... Well, done George! In fairness, I will give Bush credit for two accomplishments: there has not been a successful terrorist attack on US soil since 9/11 and he had done a lot to combat AIDS in Africa. Except for those two successes, his presidency has been a disaster! I wish Bush a happy and quiet retirement.
Good luck, President Obama. You've got your work cut out for you.